What you will get:
Proven approach to skating instruction that for 30 years has trained 7000+ skaters worldwide to become inline skating instructors.
20+ Hours of Live IN-PERSON Instruction
3+ hours Livestream Theory via Zoom*
5+ hours Guided Instruction through Graded Assignments to reinforce understanding of teaching methodology and practical application of materials
Theory, Practical Teaching & Practical Skating Assessments
A comprehensive framework for teaching the sport of inline skating
International recognition as "ICP Certified"
Instruction by ICP International Examiner
Seminar on getting started as an instructor
Recognition as “ICP Certified®” & Annual Registration fee paid through next calendar year and includes: Website listing, lesson referrals,professional discounts, instructor only online forum, etc..
Use of ICP Mark**,***
& Much More!
Check the link below for required skating skills:
*Some programs locations will hold the theory portion of the course during the certification weekend.
**Validity of certification and recognition through the Inline Certification Program (ICP) as “ICP Certified®” is subject to Annual Registration and Continuing Education Requirements (CERs) when applicable.
***All instructors using the ICP Mark to promote their certification credentials must be up to date with ICP Annual Registration fees and Continuing Education Requirements (CERs)
* This cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions.