Wondering what's in the Smart Skate Parent Program?


The Smart Skate Parent Program is an online learning course for parents to help their child learn to inline skate without the parent having to have the skills themselves. 

Its for parents who see the benefit and value of inline skating but never had the chance to learn and do it themselves. 

We understand this and see that the notion that the parent needing to understand and be capable in inline skating before they can teach or help their child learn how to inline skate should not be the case. 

With the COVID 19 happening around the world, we see a shift in primary education where many parents are dreading the fact of going to school, meeting up in big crowds or going to a public facility to join a class. That is also why we believe the Smart Skate Parent Program is essential to help families provide fun and safe activities while navigating these uncertain times. 

In the Smart Skate Parent Program you will gain access to: 

1. 8 x 2,5 min videos highlighting the essentials needed to successfully help a child learn to inline skate. 

2. A .pdf document identifying all the material in written just to help you should you need notes when executing the stages of the SSP Program. 

3. Quizzes for stage 1,2 and 3 where the most challenging part of the learning curve lies. The goal of the quizzes are to help you focus on the essentials needed to successfully complete the process of helping your child learn to inline skate. 

4. An option to sign up for a private consultation session should you have issues in the learning curve and need additional help. 

BONUS: What Games to Play for Novice Inline Skaters! 

Besides knowing what you are going to gain access to in the Smart Skate Parent Program we would like to provide an FAQ list, where we highlight some of the main points of the Smart Skate Parent Program. 




What do I get when I register for the program? 


Access to a self learning program. The Smart Skate Parent Program is divided into four stages. Each stage you will be given access to progressive materials. Progressive meaning every stage builds on the previous stage where in the beginning we start from zero. 


How do I know I am doing the things I am supposed to be doing? 


In stage 1 ,2 and 3 which are the most crucial, you are given a quiz where in these quizzes you are asked questions that relate to the practice aspect of the stages. Once the quiz is submitted you will receive the results. 


Are you sure this will work with my child? 


We cannot guarantee it. What we can guarantee is this is a great tool. The succession rate depends on your involvement. No matter how good the tool, the carpenter is the star. In other words please give it a good effort and in the end that’s what our kids want. To be present with us learning things otherwise never thought possible. 


What if I hit an obstacle that I cannot progress through? 

You have the option for a private consultation with Coach Tom directly.  The material is made so that it is easy to follow and it encompasses the majority of problems when learning how to inline skate. By committing to an online consultation with coach Tom you will be assisted step by step on how to help your child learn how to inline skate. Furthermore we get to assess the major hurdles or problems that arise in your specific case. 


Time limit to the program ?



Can I verify that this program is worth my time and money? 

Please visit the www.rollerskool.com website and you shall be directed to our YouTube channel that hosts some of our original training videos. These videos are basic and they highlight some of the material that is the basis of the Smart Skate Parent Program. This should give you a general idea that as a skate school we make sure you as our customer are given great value. 


Do I have to learn on the website? 

No. The Smart skate parent program is available both on the website and also on the kajabi app. By downloading the kajabi app and signing in using your username you shall be directed to the contents of the www.skatinginstruction.com website. 


Please sign up by clicking this link. 


Should you have questions, queries or comments please feel free to reach out to us on our social media account by finding @rollerskool and we are than happy to help you. 


Kind Regards 


Rollerskool Team 

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